Just to confirm that iS7 work well also with new S7-1200.
Only one important remark about ‘link’ parameter setup :
RACK : 0
SLOT : 1
PORT : 102
Thanks to Luca,
who gave to me the opportunity to clarify this configuration !
Just to confirm that iS7 work well also with new S7-1200.
Only one important remark about ‘link’ parameter setup :
RACK : 0
SLOT : 1
PORT : 102
Thanks to Luca,
who gave to me the opportunity to clarify this configuration !
Uncovered a bug on DropBox backup function on last version of iS7,
it’s due to old DropBox framework !
This correction will be present on the new V.5.3 release, ready in May,
and fully recover DropBox management on new iPhone 5S.
V.5.3 Introduce also new functions and improvements and fix little minor bugs.
Stay tuned…
After one week of availability of the update on the iTunes store,
here a first balance:
> 70% of users have already done the update
> Only two little issues, reported by users
> Some corrections needed for German and Spanish languages
So, this new release seems to be really a major update!
Special thank to all people that contact me,
for report the use or to suggest improvements !
The new release has been send to Apple for final approval process.
I foresee it will be validated by the end of this week…
Hope there are no bugs related to the new version,
in fact the application, for a large part, has been rewritten…
Please, let me know if find bugs or malfunctions!
@German users
if you find corrections or improvements of my poor German language,
I will be happy to correct the translation on next version.
New release is under final debug !
Users patience that waiting for this new version will be rewarded with a lot of new useful features, that simplify the use and improve flexibility.
Apple validation scheduled for the end of next week…
iS7 users,
I’m happy to show the new approach for table editing !
Please take time to watch this short demo:
iS7 V.5.2 – New table editing preview
All your suggestions are welcome !
In order to semplify the app , my job and future update,
I was thinking to release next version only for iOS 7.x …
Someone use iS7 with old iOS ?
The application is under Apple validation and should be available
on iTunes store next week !
In addition to total iOS7 compatibility, in new release has been given particular attention to users reports and are fixed all ‘crash’ situations.
One more time, also this big enhancement, will be totally free of charge !
Thanks to all iS7 users.