The new version is ready to download on Apple Store !
Hope Users like the new features and the ‘important slimming’ performed.
From 243 Mb to 89 Mb !
…in this way, the release update is also downloadable from cellular networks.
The new version is ready to download on Apple Store !
Hope Users like the new features and the ‘important slimming’ performed.
From 243 Mb to 89 Mb !
…in this way, the release update is also downloadable from cellular networks.
Dear Users,
newly is available the V.5.6 and here another update, for that reason?
The present release, that I have called ‘bridge’, it is helpful to quickly fix
some anomalies, that unfortunately were present with the iOS 9.2 OS…
This new version does contain the most relevant news, I like point out three important:
> Full compatibility with the new iPadPro
> Support for the small Logo PLC (0BA7 and 0BA8)
> Important reduction in the weight of the application (size reduced by 60%)
I’m still tweaking the code and functions, the final release is expected by end of month.
If some users, that already use iS7, are interested by ‘flight test’
send me a email ( in order to add on beta test list.
Keep in touch.
Hi folks,
again a deep interface development in order to implement the ‘interface rotation’,
for commands and manuals view.
It’s not so easy combine all Apple hardware platforms, with the same app code !
Moreover, the native mode for new iPhone 6, further complicates the interface development…
Will be the gift for the Holiday Season !
Dear All,
the new release of iS7 will be fully directed towards the correction of problems and fix all crashes conditions.
The greater stability and the alarm management setup give to the new release
another big step forward !
The users will be pleasantly surprised by the improvement !
Unfortunately, for the alarms background task, must mediate the limitations imposed by Apple.
For this reason today the new plugin alarm works well, but without an immediate notification.
I hope to send the update to Apple Store early December…
First of all, I’m really sorry for the delay of iS7 update !
This is due to different reasons, some others activity that running,
Apple iOS8 release and finally some days of summer holidays…
In the last months the topics most requested, by iS7 users, were:
> Simplify use
> Add more functionality
> Add the status of the connected plc
> Fix some annoying crash
The good news is that I have worked (and am still working) on these topics !
The bad news is that it takes a little more time to improve the new update…
I cant today confirm a date for the upgrade, but the new V.5.3 is really close.
I will update you as soon, when the application will be under Apple validation…
The new iS7 version will arrive with German translation revised and corrected.
I wish to thank Andreas, for his valuable help.
After one week of availability of the update on the iTunes store,
here a first balance:
> 70% of users have already done the update
> Only two little issues, reported by users
> Some corrections needed for German and Spanish languages
So, this new release seems to be really a major update!
Special thank to all people that contact me,
for report the use or to suggest improvements !