With this update Apple has surprised me: only 24 hours for complete validation process !
Just amazing! Great!
Good update to all users, any feedback will be welcome.
First of all, I’m really sorry for the delay of iS7 update !
This is due to different reasons, some others activity that running,
Apple iOS8 release and finally some days of summer holidays…
In the last months the topics most requested, by iS7 users, were:
> Simplify use
> Add more functionality
> Add the status of the connected plc
> Fix some annoying crash
The good news is that I have worked (and am still working) on these topics !
The bad news is that it takes a little more time to improve the new update…
I cant today confirm a date for the upgrade, but the new V.5.3 is really close.
I will update you as soon, when the application will be under Apple validation…
The new iS7 version will arrive with German translation revised and corrected.
I wish to thank Andreas, for his valuable help.