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HELP AND TIPS Configuration table, setup PLC type Gateway rule, reach PLC from internet This strategy in order to reach your PLC from Internet : PLC port GATEWAY rule iS7 port 102 <<< ----- >>> 102 ... 8086 <<< ----- >>> 8086 | | |
PLC use always | On iS7 app configure the 102 port Inside gateway the same port used on define a rule to gateway rule connect the ports traffic together Finally, with dynamic DNS service, it's possible connect the internal PLC IP
with the external name, assigned by DDNS service : PLC IP GATEWAY rule DDNS service iS7 IP <<< ----- >>> AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD <--> myplc.dyndns.com <--> myplc.dyndns.com Internal IP | External IP Name assigned by DDNS | | | |
Configure PLC IP | On iS7 app configure Inside gateway the same name used define a rule to on DDNS service connect the IP NOTE: Don't forget to assign the gateway IP, inside the S7 hardware configuration ! Page with contents under update...
S7-300 0 2 NO YES Connection on PN port (other CP change slot nr.)
S7-400 0 2 NO YES Connection on PN port (other CP change slot nr.)
S1200 0 1 NO NO Connection on X1 PN
S1500 0 2 NO NO Connection on X1 PN
LOGO 1 0 YES NO Connection on X1 P1 - Switch ON OP link
©TROTTI.EU - iS7 Support - 2016
iS7 - Carlo Trotti